Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Listener's Blog: Who is Listening 2 U?

The Listener's Blog: Who is Listening 2 U?

Who is Listening 2 U?

Everyone has a need and that is to be loved.  This love can be shown in many ways.  It can be as simple as listening to a person.  But isn't that a paradox in itself?!  If listening was so simple, then there would be a lot more people satisfied with their relationships with friends or significant other.  Listening shows love in a way that words cannot.  When my best friend takes the time to listen to my day whether it be interesting or boring, it makes me appreciate her even the more. It makes me realize how blessed I really am.  Not everyone can say they have a friend who actually listens more than they talk! lol. Because of that, I wanted to create a blog where I can write or type whatever I want and need to and share that opportunity to many others to do the same.

Sometimes we need a place where we can sound off or get things off our minds without judgement or INTERRUPTIONS!!! Man, I can't stand when I'm trying to talk about something personal to me and someone turns the conversation around to talk about themselves! CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME? Is it that hard to be quiet and listen as I get things off my chest? I'm just glad that I have friends who will and better yet, have a friend in God who will always listen.

Continue to be encourage and use this site to post whatever you are feeling whether happy or sad, "boring" or interesting news. You have a voice and the way you feel is important.

Today's my birthday by the way! lol! Very random but hey, it's my blog haha!

Take care,

The Listener